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Nana, 19 on 31st January

Friday, June 19, 2009

I havent felt like this in awhile n god, i dont ever want this feeling to stop :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

This is where a chapter of my life closes..and another chapter begins.

Please walk me through this.

Monday, June 08, 2009

I had an awesome weekend to mark e end of sch :)

For years now, ive always wanted to go somewer by myself, preferably e beach, n read a book n have some time for myself to think n relax. After all tt crazy cb workload on my shoulders, I'm glad i finally did it, only tt it was at one fullerton starbucks instead, wit one tall vanilla choc cream chip but everyting else was in place - the sun, the sky, the wind, the water, the peacefulness.

Called shima randomly n we made an impromptu decision to head down to JB. so soon she was off to my place to grab my passport & shirt n i met her up in e late aftrnn. Thanks for e ride, e food n all e crazy fun shima & man. i had a gd time! heh. e ayam penyet, shisha at danga bay & all tt crazy drifting! haha.

Sat was Diva La Futbol wit e Angels! Considering we're inexperienced, i think we did quite well even though we lost all e matches. hahaha. Gd team chemistry, woo! Let's join again nxt yr k, n wit practice this time round! Either way, i dun mind gg back coz they gave out awesome goody bags!!! :D :D

Nxt it was Sentosa for me! I got to read my book der too. hahaha. althought not exactly alone, coz they were probly like 30 ppl der, but it's all gd. Everyone was really frenly :)

Sun was work, dinner break wit Zah at Lerk Thai (my first time!) n den chill out for awhile at McD's wit Shaz & Sary. Sorry girls for errr stoning for a bit. HAHAHA. n falling asleep on u wen u called, shaz. Too tired to function alr :P

Anyways till i quit Guess at e end of GSS, im currently holding 3 jobs. e third job starts today n im looking forward to it. Gona be really busy this holiday, hopefuli i can manage my time well between work, trainings, studying & friends. Hmm. I can do this!

so much to think about. a mix of disappointment, confusion n happiness in diff ppl in my life rite now. sucks balls.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Firstly, happy 20th to my dearest cousin, Elyn! Funny how once upon a time, we used to hide e cookies in e closet n eat it past midnite, coz ur parents dun allow us to have midnite snacks n we thought we were so cool? hahaha. not so, after u made me brush my teeth coz u insisted ur parents wld check! HAHA. we literally grew up tgtr, ure my bestest cousin since as far back as i can rmbr. nw tt uve entered adulthood, i hope we'll remain as close as we were when we were little! enjoy ur special day today, finally e big 2-0! :)

Yday was my first time at E2max @ Cineleisure. Pretty neat. Anyways, go catch this movie if u havent! SUPER funny!! :)

Monday, June 01, 2009

This week has been equally as tiring. Everyday is jampacked wit something that everytime im home, i sleep like a pig. Like today, as soon as i came home at 4plus, i slept all e way till nearly midnite! n now i cant sleep.

n since today's 1st june, happy 1st june to you. hmm.

Some pics taken this week;

angels' farewell chalet at Home Team NS
Cup runner up at this yr's Blacks' Fun Touch, woohoo!
everyone who took part yday :)
got home in time to be der for my youngest brother's circumcision on sat!

my horrible2 eyebags! :(

I enjoyed myself fully this week. BD Phase 1 is over, n we did great in e end, which feels darn gd. Heh. I had my fave takoyaki on wed, had a gd laugh over a dare at City Vibe, played an impromptu badminton match on fri at e sch's sports hall, visited SP's museum at moberly(HAHA) n a nice catch up session wit my cousins. Besides that, I met my fave girls on n off e field nearly everyday this week. n e only thing's tt missing wld be seeing my gfs whom i havent met since 5th May! helloooo, biler nak jumpe!
Im hoping this week wld be jz as awesome. Gdnite everyone :)

Monday, May 25, 2009


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy bday to Junyu, Fel, Gyver & Hai Hong! :)

I feel so alive this week coz everyday is packed wit fun-filled activities, from mon all e way to sun! Mon was 10 things i hate about you at e main lib & dinner at Cavana, tue was training, wed was Sg Flyer & Popeyes for Junyu's bday celebration! (& short catch up wit Shima!!) n visited my colleagues during closing coz i miss them so, thur was ice skating in e morning for fel's bday surprise & training in e evening, fri was secret recipe marble cheesecake(!!!) at plaza sing for all e may babies n Night At The Museum 2 afterwards wit half e class before sleepover at Clare's wit e girls. Sat n sun was work n i had dinner wit Zah at Pastamania, yay.

So that sums up my week. N im e happiest girl tonite coz i bought pink shorts from Mango earlier this evening. hahaha. Im not even e shorts kind of girl but i truly love e colour. Shall motivate myself to hmm lose some kgs first before i wear them out. SO HAPPY! :D

Week 6 tmr -.-

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Can a leopard change its spots?
That's what i really wanna know. Hmm.